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August 10, 2004

The Matter of My Dreams

Maybe it’s my medication, but I’ve been having frequent dreams lately. Most of the ones I remember involve buildings of some kind. Buildings with passages, buildings with doors. Buildings with stairs and buildings with elevators. Apartment buildings. Shopping Malls. Cruise Ships. Office Buildings. Mansions. Theatres. Hotels. My High School. Any kind of place that I can move from room to room, hallway to doorway, stairwell to hallway.

Banjo dreams about squirrelsOften I’ll leave one room and try to go back, and can’t find my way back to it. I have gotten on elevators that had broken floors and were rickety and dangerous. I’ve found myself trying to move up stairwells that end in precipices, the only way to go further are slim footholds along the wall. Or they simply end in walls. It always happens when I decide I need to go somewhere specific.

Recently, I found out my mother and her sisters were moving my grandmother out of her house and into a townhouse. I dreamed soon thereafter that a strange woman was organizing things in the house. I went into the front bedroom and found a bunch of women there, who were going through my grandmother’s things and pricing them for auction on Ebay. I was very upset. I told Mom about the dream and she said that a strange woman was cleaning the house and was bringing my grandmother’s things to flea market, but not Ebay. I think it was a coincidence, but wasn’t that remarkable?

I love the dreams where I’m able to fly. I soar up high, watching the distant ground pass beneath me. Funny thing about flying dreams, though, I inevitably know I’m dreaming, and that usually ends the dream, sometimes in a free fall that never finishes.

I hear in dreams and see in dreams. I imagine I use my sense of touch, too, but I don’t remember that specifically. I don’t recall smelling or tasting, but next time I’m in a dream and think about it, I’ll certainly try to experiment!

Some dream analysis would certainly turn up something important about it all this, I'm certain. But I'll enjoy the increased vividness of my dreams for now.

Posted by Bastique at August 10, 2004 10:14 AM


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