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September 24, 2004


George W. Bush

If this picture offends you,
then George Bush's actions
should too.

Have I said lately that I’ll be glad when election season is over?

What is it about being me that is so difficult to withhold my tongue even when every piece of common sense is telling me I’m about to step face first into a hornet’s nest of anti-liberal sentimentality? Maybe it’s hard for me to bring up the topic of conservatism without making commentary on either the intelligence or the greediness of the people who are inclined toward conservatism. It’s still hard for me to believe rational people would vote Bush unless they had a selfish interest in maintaining the sad status quo.

The signs are right there, plain as day. Oil. Iraq. Middle East. Lies. No real connection. Oil. Gas prices. Vehicle engine size increasing. More money for oil companies, usually based in Texas. Higher prices for medication in the United States than abroad, sometimes six to ten times as high; primarily when they’re manufactured here. More money for pharmaceutical companies, usually based in North Carolina (But wait a second&ellip; isn’t that where John Edwards is from? I don’t remember, Is Kerry promising affordable health care?)

What about that last Bush ad? The Agenda for America. More money for troops. More power to the police for anti-terrorism activities. More fear. Terrorism. Fear. Terrorism.

I saw some graffiti today (at Commercial Boulevard and I-95, if you want to see it yourself) that said “Cheney made 9/11.” I’m still not so sure that they weren’t at least indirectly responsible for the attacks. As of September 24, there have been 1,043 American military deaths in Iraq. 1,175 total coalition forces. Iraqi Civilian deaths account for a minimum of 12,927. Civilian deaths in Afghanistan from American military action account for another 4,000 people. As a result of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney’s actions, over 18,000 innocent civilians and allied forces have died. The price of freedom?

Is it so hard to imagine that, in order to win the people’s love and entrench their power base for decades to come, they would take measures not to prevent the ultimate death of 3,000 New Yorkers, many of whom were non-Americans and American Ethnic minorities. The price of freedom?

Open your mind up to the possibilities. Hitler didn’t come into power on his own; and Germany wasn’t full of crazy people in the 1920s and 1930s, but people who were proud of being German and were especially hard hit by financial woes, and a rampant xenophobia. The spirit of German Nationalism crafted together a coalition led by Adolf Hitler.

Posted by Bastique at September 24, 2004 11:18 PM


Snookums, I have to say this, you are being naive about the numbers. 18,000 deaths is nothing in most wars. We are in a major world war and the number is only going to increase. I understand your point, but people forget. This country was built on genocide and religious persecution. Ironic since the pilgrims were seeking religious freedom when they came over on the Mayflower. We are not that far removed from the Germans, as you astutely point out. Our only hope is for someone like Abby Hoffman or Martin Luther King to step up and wake the slumbering sheep bloated on TV reality shows and Fox news. People need to get out and vote. I dont know how else we stop this insanity.

Posted by: Anonymous at October 1, 2005 9:16 PM

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