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November 1, 2004

Coersion in Carolina

I'm back home… I need so much it's not funny and I'm not sure where the money is going to come from. The house is so cluttered, notably my office area; and with everything I have to do I don't know how I'm going to find the time for it. But that's all fodder for another day's blog entry, and I've got so much left to talk about from my vacation I am not going to get mired down in my problems.

One of the things I was looking forward to in going to South Carolina is that, being that South Carolina was pretty firmly Bush territory, I wasn't going to be subjected to all those nasty Bush ads and Kerry ads that we keep seeing on the airwaves here, but Fritz Hollings' retirement from the senate is leaving a vacancy and an opportunity for the Republicans to pick up a Senate seat.

The race between Inez Tenenbaum and Jim DeMint is nastier than anything. The 357 campaign ads are so deceptive. It's obvious that DeMint seeks to be nothing more than a rubber stamp for George Bush, and although I saw several ads attacking him from people not representing Tenenbaum that were untrue, I'm not even going to dignify them with mention. The ads attacking Tenebaum, the Democrat, were far more deceptive, one of them somehow managed to tie her to the deficit of flu vaccines.

I don't understand how rational people can bury their heads in the sand and be deceived by the Republican propaganda. The evidence is there, in front of our faces, but none of these people seem to believe that Bush is capable of the actions to which he's evidently tied.

Maybe the final election results will tell a different story. I'm just disgusted by the entire process. Someone has got to stand up before the next election, with integrity, and change the way these things work. This country can't last much longer the way it's going.

Posted by Bastique at November 1, 2004 8:47 AM


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