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September 7, 2005

Catching Up

What's been going on with me? Well, since I have trouble with short to long term memory retention, I'm afraid you're going to have to settle for the last month or so.

I had some kind of mass removed from my rectum. Surgery was interesting and I want to thank my good friend Jeff for hanging around the hospital and waiting with me while I waited to go in to surgery (which was scheduled at 3, and didn't happen until past 6).

I found out I have emphysema. I've been without cigarettes now for 10 days. My breathing has improved, although my allergies have been kicking up!

I had another roommate move out. This was not a bad thing, this one was next to useless.

Michael has another 35 days before leaving Eglin Federal Prison Camp. That's something to cross my fingers about.


Hey... but I've still got a damn good life, you know? I have a great house on the water with a swimming pool. I've got good friends. What else can you ask for?

Posted by Bastique at September 7, 2005 10:41 PM


So I'm guessing that your roommates have to serve a purpose??!? Ewww.

Posted by: buster at September 11, 2005 7:37 AM

Serve a purpose such as paying his rent on time and helping buy groceries. Does that clarify?

Posted by: Bastique at September 11, 2005 10:43 AM

how do you know you have emphysema? What were your PFT numbers. There are support groups out there to help you learn about this disease. Please do a search and find them. Of course you can no longer smoke but quitting will slow the progression of the disease and eating right and execise and taking medicine can pretty much stop it. good luck

Posted by: s at September 12, 2005 9:47 PM

Well, my doc told me I did, basically... over the phone. I don't have a regular appointment scheduled for another month, he prescribed me Combivent and we'll discuss my options when I come in to see him.

Posted by: Bastique at September 12, 2005 10:46 PM

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