July 26, 2007

Leaving the country? No passport

I'm travelling to Taiwan for work on Saturday morning at 6:00 am, and right now, Thursday night, at 17:18pm, I'm becoming very anxious.

The United States Passport agency has still not notified me when I am going to receive my passport. I filled out my application and turned it in on April 30. Last time I called, they were in the process of working on it. Hopefully it will be overnighted to me at some point tonight (or maybe it already has been, one can cross one's fingers). If not, I'm going to have to drive all the way to Miami, pick it up (if it's ready) and then drive all the way back.

Why didn't someone plan this?

Posted by Bastique at 7:16 PM | Comments (3)

July 23, 2007

Good night sweet prince

Me and my ex had one "baby" left between us. And my little prince has passed on. Michael had him put to sleep this Saturday morning, July 21, 2007.
Dog Cat Love
We brought Coco home from a Kitty farm in Davie in June of 1996; he was a spry little kitten with personality. Before long we realized just how special Coco was.

Throw a paper ball on the floor and he would play with it--and then he would bring it back to you to throw again. Coco fetched like a dog!

He was also peaceful around dogs. Rare was the dog that would make him run and hide...usually he'd simply find a place high enough to get out of the dog's way and remain there until the dog lost interest. It was his house, and the whatever dog it was, was just a guest there.

This passing one breaks my heart more than any that have passed before. I will dearly miss my little Coco.

Posted by Bastique at 2:53 PM | Comments (0)

July 5, 2007


I'm listing this in category ADHD because it's a good reason for why I can't seem to keep up with posting. As per the last comment on this thread here, it would seem that my blog readers are a bit upset with me for ignoring my little website.

I am sorry. Work has been hectic, but not too unwieldy to ignore the blogosphere. Therefore, expect some updates in the coming weeks as to my life, the world, and everything.


Posted by Bastique at 1:47 PM | Comments (0)