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September 13, 2005

Rush Limbaugh is a filthy pig

Rush Limbaugh, pigI've long felt that Rush Limbaugh was a deplorable, cretinous monster whose only purpose is to connive tens of millions of Americans into believing the propaganda meat grinder spewed out by the con wing of the Republican Party. There is no depth that he won't sink in order to vomit up his poisonous diatribe, no matter how farcical, slanderous or venomous, and completely without regard to those people who he might hurt.

I developed a brand new hatred for Rush when I heard his latest sickening and irrelevant diatribe wherein he says that liberals are jumping for joy because of the Katrina tragedy, because it offers them an opportunity to take Bush down. His vindictiveness is appalling—nobody is using the Katrina tragedy in this manner.

But I just think Rush is projecting...forgetting the way the cons twisted the 9/11 disaster, a tragedy that initially brought Americans together. The cons actually exploited this tragedy in order to start the war in Iraq, something that has financially benefited certain corporations helping to "rebuild." Someone was cheering then, all the way to the bank!

It's the cons who have no regard for human life—because as long as they can make money—Halliburton is getting contracts out of the New Orleans disaster?

The cons are abusing us over and over again, and Rush is banking on it. Rush has the same blood on his hands that the rest of them have.

He is a filthy pig.

I Photoshop'd the picture (obviously), but the original photograph, not too different, may be found at SPQR, a rather interesting blog.

Posted by Bastique at September 13, 2005 9:18 PM


Hey Cary..
Sweety,what happened to our pics on our profiles? Mine also has a red "X",and so does yours.Can you help me fix it again? Or tell me how I can?
Again,sure am glad your back,hun!!

Posted by: Tammi at September 14, 2005 10:34 PM

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